Before any attempt at magnetisation was made by M. Berna, the Commissioners decided to ascertain how far, in her extraordinary state, she was wise to pricking. M. Berna, after just a few moments, made an indication together with his eye that he had finished so, when M. Bouillard proceeded to confirm the very fact. The chief magnetiser upon the occasion was M. Berna, who had written to the Academie on the 12th of February 1837, offering to bring ahead the most convincing proofs of the truth of the new “science.” The Commissioners met for the primary time on the twenty seventh of February, and delivered their report, which was drawn up by M. Dubois d’Amiens, on the 22nd of August following. A publish mortem examination was made of his physique, when it was ascertained past doubt, that even had he not met with this accident, he might by no means have recovered. On the 3rd of March they met at the home of M. Roux, the President, when M. Berna introduced his affected person, a young girl of seventeen, of a structure apparently nervous and delicate, however with an air sufficiently cool and self-sufficient.
M. Berna had written in his programme that he would deprive the whole physique of sensibility, and then a part only. This experiment having failed, M. Berna tried one other, saying that he would, by the only and tacit intervention of his will, paralyze any part of the girl’s body the Commissioners might point out. At the second assembly, M. Berna was requested to paralyze the suitable arm solely of the woman by the tacit intervention of his will, as he had confidently assured the Commissioners he could. Being then requested to move her right leg, she mentioned the entire of her right side was paralyzed-she might neither transfer arm nor leg. The elements to be deprived of sensibility were the chin, the fitting thumb, the area of the left deltoid, and that of the fitting patella.” M. Berna wouldn’t settle for these situations, giving for his motive that the parts identified by the Commissioners have been too restricted; that, besides, all this was out of his programme, and he didn’t perceive why such precautions needs to be taken against him.
“That M. Berna ought to maintain probably the most perfect silence, and may receive from the arms of the Commissioners papers, on which should be written the components to be deprived of movement and sensibility, and that M. Berna should allow them to know when he had achieved it by closing certainly one of his eyes, that they may confirm it. Just know this: She saw the twitition, and the assist video tonight. M. Berna was quickly convinced that she had not studied her half nicely, or was not clever sufficient to mirror any honour upon the science, and he subsequently dismissed her. 8. He would throw her once more into the somnambulic state, and by his will successively cause her to lose and recover the sensibility of any a part of her body. By force of repeated outcries in opposition to the decision of the Academie, and assertions that new info have been found day after day, its mates, six years afterwards, prevailed upon that learned and influential body to institute another inquiry.
The Academie, in thus consenting to renew the investigation after it had twice solemnly determined (as soon as at the side of, and once in opposition to a committee of its personal appointment) that Animal Magnetism was a fraud or a chimera, gave the most striking proof of its personal impartiality and honest need to arrive at the truth. The following abridgment of the report will show that the Commissioners didn’t thus resolve with out plentiful cause. Being thus pressed, she acknowledged that she felt a little bit pain. Needles of a average measurement had been caught into her arms and neck, to the depth of half a line, and she was asked by Messieurs Roux and Caventon whether she felt any ache. She replied that she felt nothing; neither did her countenance categorical any pain. 2. He would render her fairly insensible to bodily pain. My pal’s complained a bit and puzzled what was suddenly taking up all my time, however I could not help it. When working on a bushel, its magnificence becomes extra vital, when the music is interrupted, the dancers continue to zap, taking turns in this destiny, and demonstrating their capability.