Look out now, thou traitor knight, and I’ll avenge upon thy body the dying of my three brethren.” All this language heard Sir Launcelot, and the knights which were about him; they usually stated to him, “Sir Launcelot, now must ye defend you want a knight, or else be shamed for ever, for you will have slept overlong and suffered overmuch.” Then Sir Launcelot spoke on high unto King Arthur, and said, “My lord Arthur, now I’ve forborne lengthy, and suffered you and Sir Gawain to do what ye would, and now must I wants defend myself, inasmuch as Sir Gawain hath appealed me of treason.” Then Sir Launcelot armed him and mounted upon his horse, and the noble knights got here out of town, and the host with out stood all apart; and so the covenant was made that no man should come close to the 2 knights, nor deal with them, till one were lifeless or yielded.
Then there began an incredible conflict, and much individuals had been slain; however ever Sir Launcelot did what he may to avoid wasting the folks on King Arthur’s party, and ever King Arthur adopted Sir Launcelot to slay him; however Sir Launcelot suffered him, and would not strike once more. Then had Sir Gawain such a grace and reward that an holy man had given to him, that on daily basis within the 12 months, from morning until high noon, his may elevated these three hours as much as thrice his power, and that brought on Sir Gawain to win great honor. Then got here word to Sir Modred that King Arthur had raised the siege of Sir Launcelot, and was coming dwelling. But when the yr was passed, King Arthur and Sir Gawain came with a terrific host, and landed upon Sir Launcelot’s lands, and burnt and wasted all that they might overrun. But King Arthur’s host was too great for Sir Launcelot to abide him in the sphere; and he was full loath to do battle towards the king. And Sir Launcelot stablished and garnished all his towns and castles, and he enormously advanced all his noble knights, Sir Lionel and Sir Bohort, and Sir Hector de Marys, Sir Blamor, Sir Lawayne, and lots of others, and made them lords of lands and castles; until he left himself no more than any one of them.
So when she had instructed her tale, the tears ran out of the king’s eyes; and all the lords had been forward to advise the king to be accorded with Sir Launcelot, save only Sir Gawain; and he mentioned, “My lord, mine uncle, what is going to ye do? “Not so,” mentioned Sir Launcelot, “touch him no more, for I won’t ever see that almost all noble king that made me knight both slain or shamed;” and therewith Sir Launcelot alighted off his horse and took up the king, and horsed him again, and stated thus: “My lord Arthur, for God’s love, stop this strife.” And King Arthur appeared upon Sir Launcelot, and his tears burst from his eyes, pondering on the great courtesy that was in Sir Launcelot more than in every other man; and therewith the king rode his means. Then Sir Launcelot felt him so come down; then he stretched him up, and stood close to Sir Gawain, and stated thus: “My lord Sir Gawain, now I concern ye have completed; now my lord Sir Gawain, I must do my part, for many nice and grievous strokes I’ve endured you this day with great pain.” Then Sir Launcelot doubled his strokes, and gave Sir Gawain such a buffet on the helmet that he fell down on his side, and Sir Launcelot withdrew from him.
Then was there launching of great boats and small, full of noble males of arms, and there was a lot slaughter, of gentle knights on each parts. After which Sir Launcelot stated, “Now have good day, my lord the king, for, wit you properly, ye win no worship at these walls; and if I’d my knights out bring, there ought to many a man die. Then spake Sir Bohort and mentioned, “My lord, Sir Launcelot, give us depart to satisfy them in the sector, and we shall make them rue the time that ever they got here to this country.” Then said Sir Launcelot, “I am full loath to ride out with my knights for shedding of Christian blood; so we’ll but awhile keep our walls, and I will send a messenger unto my lord Arthur, to propose a treaty; for better is peace than at all times struggle.” So Sir Launcelot sent forth a damsel, and a dwarf with her, requiring King Arthur to leave his warring upon his lands; and so she began on a palfrey, and the dwarf ran by her aspect. So Sir Launcelot drew him to his sturdy castle, with all manner of provisions.